Article in Business Today / How to get back your lost or blocked investment? It's easy to invest in any private or government scheme but recovering your money or claim in need is a herculean task. This near to impossible task of recovery will become easy for you or your legal heirs if you follow the mantra of 'secure investment'. 'Invest and forget' this age old adage is coming heavily on investors or their legal heirs after their demise, as getting back the investment is really a herculean task in India. The case becomes more complicated if documents are lost or address is changed or death of investor. We get several such cases where investors or legal heirs are running from pillar to post to get back the hard earned money invested by them or their demised relatives. It happens in all the financial instruments from company shares to bank deposits to provident funds, mutual funds, debtors etc. According to data available with various government departmen...